Essential Oil Apothecary


Blue Lotus Dried Whole Flowers Thailand


Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerula) freshly dried organic whole Flowers from our artisan blue lotus absolute producer in Thailand.  Pesticide and additive Free.

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I’ve been working with my blue lotus absolute producer for over a decade and with the arrival of gorgeous oil, dried whole flowers frequently come along for the ride. For me, it’s part thrill of sipping a calming, luxurious tea that the Egyptians might have also enjoyed and a little bit of cross checking the raw material to ensure the absolute was produced with the best quality organic and pesticide free flowers to begin with. It’s the kind of cross checking a perfume farmer needs to do in order to stake their word on the end offering.

I hadn’t given much thought to adding whole lotus flowers in our shops in part because the online market is a little saturated and also, I felt I had missed the wave eleven or so years ago when I was the only blue lotus (and ambergris) seller in Canada. But in testing other lotus flowers on the market, I found most are too old and have lost the whisper of those narcotic, sweet notes that should be present in the dried flower. They shouldn’t just look vibrant, they should be vibrant because that’s where the magic is. It’s precisely why I store them in hermetically sealed jars with as little access to air as possible in a dark cool area. They lose their essence when stored any other way, as I’ve learned over time. Its for this that I felt the need to put in our shops.

I gave a lot of dried blue lotus flowers away over the years to share the sacred experience because that is very much the spiritual part of blue lotus not to be excluded. I use these flowers for tea particularly on those days when I really need to unwind from a meat grinder of a day. I also love creating tinctures for perfume projects which is how I use them in the apothecary the most. I feel a little mystical mischief when the blue lotus tincture is the perfume foundation and also my nod to its importance in ancient Egypt.

Larger sizes are available.


0.5oz, 1oz, 2oz, 3oz


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