Essential Oil Apothecary

Heat Domes And Shipping

We are finding ourselves in week 2 of a heat dome ranging from 109F to 111F so I’ve slowed shipping orders because aromatics and heat don’t mix. We will be dropping down on July 13/24 and will ship all outstanding and new orders then. Many thanks for your understanding and patience. Yes, there’ll be samples as our thanks.

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Sourcing And Curating Rare Oils One Scent At A Time

In the big world of essential oils, we are a dot, a plant in the forest, a little lotus flower floating in a big pond. But we’ve been here long before all the commercialization, slick advertising and proprietary distilleries; supplying aromatherapy schools and natural perfumers and souls looking for natural remedies to their ailments.

So let’s meet who “we” is. We is me meaning I formulate the aromatic remedies, I am the aromatic hunter – sourcing distillers and maintaining relationships. I choose aromatics like an aromatherapist, a natural perfumer and a distiller and have become a trusted nose in this industry. I design the labels, formulate batch after batch … after batch of remedies. I ask the hard production questions and seek out responsible glass packaging, fill the orders, do the invoicing and, I answer a lot of questions. Why would anyone want to subject themselves to a job that is never finished? Am I a little crazy or has the Blue Lotus short circuited my hypothalamus? Maybe a little of both. Maybe it was always in the DNA, having a mother and great aunt who were knowledgeable herbalists and great teachers of the natural world. I can’t remember when I wasn’t boiling a herb to extract its essence or melting wax to mix with rose petals which were clearly not safe around my 8 year old experimental fingers. I decided I had to make it a career when I studied an aromatherapy certification program in Canada and then continued my studies at the American School of Health Sciences here in the U.S. Then I set out to find the growers and distillers who’s hard work could truly be appreciated by a farm girl in love with aromatics.
So this is my introduction, my why for what I do and maybe its a little comfort, a little assurance when you are deciding to spend your hard earned dollars here with me.

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