Essential Oil Apothecary


Oregano Essential Oil 93 Carvacrol


Organic wild harvested Oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oil from Greece with 93% carvacrol. Also referred to as Oil of Oregano.

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It has been over ten years since I was able to purchase Oregano oil with a carvacrol percentage over eighty. However, like many of our greek distillations, this one is a high potency stunner. We call this bad boy Oregano 93 because with ninety three percent carvacrol, the biological activity of oregano, our oregano oil works hard to combat harmful organisms and material strains, is one of the top antioxidant oils and may be helpful with viral infections. When added in vinegar, Oregano is very effective for cleaning surfaces. I have used Oregano oil during this pandemic more than any other time in my life and more so when I traveled to Canada and Egypt to buy essential oils earlier this year. I never travel without it.

Oregano 93 is better than the Oregano of our 2006 era because we have provenance of this oil through our direct working relationship with the distiller. We know how it was wild harvested, and how it was distilled – both dry and fresh and we have a close working relationship with the distiller. All the elements we love here at the apothecary.

Suggested use: Please use with care. This is a very potent oil and not like the typical Oregano nor is it Oil of Oregano which is a diluted oil. This is a uncut, full strength, high potency oregano oil that must be blended at 1% with a carrier oil before use. The scent profile is medicinal, spicy and herbaceous. Blending with eucalyptus, lemon or rosemary tones down the spicy component.


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